Sunday, January 29, 2006

View of State of the Union tells if you are a Libertarian

In the State of the Union you may notice that it is all about corporate welfare. Hard-earned property is given to special interests.

Research on new fuels is stealing from the workers and giving to many special interests, including Big Oil.

Medical savings accounts will purloin from the poor and middle class to enrich the wealthy and medical interests. Healthcare is already a reverse laundry where instead of making drug money clean, it defrauds the sick and rewards drug pushers and makers.

War swindles from the productive in the country bestowing profits on the special interest of what Eisenhower called the military-industrial complex.

Where Smedley Butler said, “War is a Racket” we can now say “Government has become a Racket.”

Definition of a Libertarian

This seizure and transfer leaves many poor and middle class workers finding holes in their socks. This irritating feeling is similar to the irritation felt by Libertarians when they see government divvy up treasure from the cheated to the pockets of the well connected.

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