Friday, January 20, 2006


Although the following is not entirely true, it does point out that some folks like to control their neighbors.

"The same people who want to force change in their neighbors through laws, are the same people who think they can save the world through war. Whatever their beliefs and ideals may be, I don't want to be like them. Those who not only have it all figured out, but also would force their conclusions on others, are the worst people on earth. True liberty is knowing that we don't have all the answers. Which is why it ain't nobody's business what you do, and it ain't nobody's business what they do."
by James Leroy Wilson

Here is some truth.
Second hand smoke has not been proved to cause harm and those who seek to regulate it are regulating an annoyance. Unlike the annoying blogger law, these laws do not include an intent. (Yes, you may be enraged by what I say, but since that is not my intent, I am not guilty. Your rage is just my icing on the cake. And what is cake without icing!) What annoyance will we outlaw next? Perhaps we can ban purple haired people from restaurants. It hasn't been proved that they cause harm to your children either. Which reminds me, don't use your children's supposed health to ban something you do not care for.

For those who like to see the humor in this, check out Penn & Teller, but I warn you it does have adult language and if you view other topics it does have nudity. Their Showtime series is very informative for those who like to decide issues on the facts. The show on second hand smoke is on the tape (or dvd) available at the main Vigo County Library.

All logical folks should support the property rights law Terre Haute City Councilman Ryan Cummins is proposing. This is indeed a matter of government once again telling businesses how to operate. Isn't it enough that government takes and squanders too much of their money already?

It is sad that fear and greed will probably force an idiotic smoking ban law not only through the county but watch out for a statewide ban next. Then don't even think of leaving your house with purple hair.

1 comment:

OLD YELLER said...

When voters learn to start throwing Socialist like Norm and his ilk out of office we may indeed be on the way to being a free country.