Saturday, March 11, 2006

Rock MY World Neal Cavuto

I missed this program but wish I had seen it. Neal questioned if a third party candidate might have a good chance in 2008 given the unpopularity of the Big Two. Libertarian Party Chairman Mike Dixon called the two parties extreme. I agree.


OLD YELLER said...

You may want to go back and read some of the comments, Ed. There are too many like the guy below and Nicmart that indeed do send them running back. If the party don't change it is dead.

I don't consider legalizing drugs or abolishing Social Security extreme, I consider it to be common sense. The Libertarian party is the "party of principle" meaning that they won't sell out to get a few extra votes. Making a major change to the LP platform or softening on issues like this would be like making major changes to the constitution. Principle would be compromised, and the party wouldn't exist anymore. If you don't like it, then I suggest you check out the Republican and Democrat parties, they would probably suit you better as they have no principle.

Anonymous said...

These libertarian Libertarians are not fun to be around either. They say they are having fun (and perhaps they are) but like the very "funny" Starchild they do us no good.