Thursday, May 17, 2007

The PIG for Capitalism

Robert P. Murphy, Ph.D. did a good job on what Ron Paul said was, "An invaluable introduction to free market economics." Lew Rockwell was quoted praising its truth.

Perhaps I can be quoted as praising the book for calling capitalism propertyism rather than letting commies define it.

But the book tries to cover too much. To stay within the parameters for the P.I.G., probably hundreds of pages hit the editing room floor and it shows. Mr. Murphy, a writer on Lew Rockwell, comes off as naive in this situation. He may well be naive.

One thing that made me uncomfortable was the correct knowledge that cutting taxes doesn't mean a drop in revenue to the State. With praise from Arthur B. Laffer, Murphy can easily be seen as endorsing the Laffer curve which absurdly suggests the optimal taxing point is the point that generates the most revenue. This is one position that makes Murphy appear to be pandering to Republicans.

The worst part of the book makes Rockefeller look like a great guy. Lew Rockwell writer DiLorenzo also heaps praise on what many consider "Robber Barons". I agree with the facts, but these "doctors" come off as naive. Rockefeller opened the University of Chicago which excused the Federal Reserve and had a professor fight for it. See:
Milton Friedman became libertarian after he left Chicago for San Francisco. Lastly, Rockerfeller paid off trustees to admit a doctor guilty of fraud. His money could only buy so much. See:
What might be seen as an establishment book, an idiot's guide,
is a good place to start and it does reference the Jekyll Island book above.
Perhaps Lew can have someone do a P.I.G. on the Federal Reserve. Hopefully the writer won't believe the crap Murphy believes when it comes to failures of the World Bank loans. What Ron Paul calls the "Inflation" Tax is a scheme to rob the working and bail out elites. Think fellows, why do American Workers bailout banks that loan to Mexico whose safety net is a map to the U.S.?
Maybe I did not care for the attack on Paul Craig Roberts. He is not so naive.
Another person I respect is Gene Epstein, author of Eonospinning:
A P.I.G. on the Federal Reserve must be brought to the People by someone not naive.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it