Friday, February 02, 2007

Karen Kwiatkowski Gets It

Yes, Karen in her article today has a link to the Mises video and notes how the Federal Reserve is stealing money from the owners of the country.
No shit on this: Karen mentions the $2 trillion going into Iraq. When I mentioned this to my pal Scott before the "war" he said, "That's a lot of money."
That is a lot of money. If you did not catch that we will be staying in Iraq until Stanley-Morgan says we can go - they control the eight largest banks in Iraq - (See the letter below) - you can read a great article in Playboy here. It tells that Cheney was not only on the board of Halliburton, but he was on the board of Stanley-Morgan. Wife Lynn was on the board of Lockheed and daughter Liz (the straight one) and her hubby are lobbyists for Lockheed. A great story. (Although Scott may believe none of it.)
Something else you may not believe is a story coming out about the Najaf Battle. Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani has been portrayed by the western (American) press as a great man. He is a nutty Shiite. According to this story, the battle was to kill a "growing Shia-Sunni unity in the area."
From the article:
Many southern Shia Arabs do not follow Iranian-born cleric Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani. They believe the religious leadership should be kept in the hands of Arab clerics. Al-Hatami and al-Khazaali are two major tribes that do not follow Sistani.
Tribal members from both believe the attack was launched by the central government of Baghdad to stifle growing Shia-Sunni unity in the area.
This story is believable because the muppet (yes the U.S. government has its hand up their ass) government of Iraq wants the destruction of anything civil in the country. I believe this will eventually include the Kurds, who the U.S. not only protects but is counting on.
Well, believe this story or not, how long before the government of exiles breaks up? (Eleven of the twelve "leaders" were not in Iraq before the war - and the U.S. government neocons love Chalabi an embezzler and Iyad Alawi a child killing terrorist.) I figure about six months. Expect something after the fourth of July. Yet we are already recycling the evil ones because we don't have willing leaders like we did in Nam where we killed about seven leaders. Let's give the Neocons credit on this one, Iraq and Vietnam are different!

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