Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Common Sense 2006

Here we see the "traditional" view of single line left/right orientation. Commentators and candidates believe moving to the center of this line will get the most votes. This may be correct to some extent, but this is a bad representation of where people stand. This misrepresentation is moving the United States into dangerous territory.

I suggest we take the left/right one-dimensional representation and curve the ends upward. Drag the people on the ends along with the line. Finally, connect the two ends to form a circle or oval. The result is a two-dimensional representation. If you place a vertical line at the bottom center, you will have a separation of the totalitarian regimes we commonly refer to as communism and facism. Communism and facism, as Walter Williams says, is two sides of the same coin. At the top you have freedom.

You'll notice that people considered on the left, like Feingold, would fall somewhere below Nader on the left side of this oval. The John Birch Society, sometimes called conservative, sometimes reactionary right, falls somewhere between Pat Buchanan and Thomas Jefferson.

Most "leftists" today do not rise above the halfway point because socialism has overtaken not only the U.S. but much of the world. The problem few notice is that corporate welfare and socialism are doing a one-two punch on the freedom of Americans. As a good friend once said about the Presidential candidates, "we are bottom feeding."

Changing attitudes from left/right to top/bottom is the challenge of the near future. A similar representation, as mentioned below, can be found at:


Randy Scheunemann: Office of The Secretary of Defense – Consultant on Iraq Policy, mentioned the blog below called the 1992 speech of Pat Buchanan facist. These Hitler-like attacks on freedom destroy this country. And the left/right thinking is to blame. Hillary Clinton is a bottom-feeder people consider left. Watch her sink into the totalitarian mud as 2008 approaches.

Think up/down and vote this way. Pat should shake hands with Russ. The voters need good examples, not the evil we see on TV every day.













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