Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Property Rights Are Needed Everywhere

Left wing peace activist Uri Avnery writes unlike the crazy right wing Jews and Christians who spout the neocon line. Uri, a Jew, wrote an article, Without Borders, which tells a different story than what we are fed from the corporate media.

Uri tells us where we get our information about the "scary" things in Arab children's textbooks:

"The ammunition is always provided by one of the "professional" institutions that deal with this matter. These are foundations of the far-right, disguised as "scientific" bodies, which are lavishly funded by Jewish-American multi-millionaires. Teams of salaried employees apply a fine-tooth comb to every word of the Arab media and schoolbooks, with a pre-ordained objective: to prove that they are anti-Semitic, preach hatred of Israel and call for the killing of Jews. In the sea of words, it is not too difficult to find suitable quotes, while ignoring everything else.
So now it is again perfectly clear: Palestinian schoolbooks preach hatred of Israel! They are breeding a new generation of terrorists! Therefore, of course, there can be no question of Israel and the world ending the blockade on the Palestinian Authority!"

Uri has something to say about the Israel-Jew indoctrination:

"When he comes out of the pedagogic mill, the Jewish-Israeli pupil "knows" that the Arabs are a primitive people with a murderous religion and a miserable culture. He brings this view with him when he (or she) joins the army a few weeks later. There, it is reinforced almost automatically. The daily humiliation of old people and women - not to mention everybody else - at the checkpoints would not be possible otherwise."

Uri is writing about borders and the Green Line; but having been a terrorist (for the Jews), he understands where the Palestinians come from. He does not succumb to the brainwashing.

Drawing lines is not a libertarian thing to do. But libertarians part ways with themselves when it comes to drawing lines at borders. Most Libertarians believe in drawing lines protecting property rights and this includes borders and lines between countries. It is this basic property right that Uri is acknowledging, whether he knows it or not.

And it bears repeating, the corporate media in the United States does not recognize or defend property rights unless it is the rights of the wealthy and corporations. (And corporations do not have rights.) The corporate media whores are getting worse when it comes to repeating lies and propaganda.

The decentralization of news will be welcome if civilization (and I use that word loosely) can exist that long.


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